My Child is in Custody

Your child has just been committed to the Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections, in other words, state custody. This can be a scary time for you and your child, but please know that we very much want your child to be successful during his or her stay. Parental involvement is very important during this time and will greatly assist with the transition back to your home and the community. You can help by attending all meetings (staffings) and being an active participant, following through on requests made by your child’s case manager, and learning the lingo your child will be learning. These are just a few things you can do as a parent to further assist your child.

Below is a flowchart that describes Idaho’s juvenile justice system. The state portion of the flowchart is a general overview of the steps your child will go through.

General Flow Chart of Idaho’s Juvenile Justice Process

About five days after commitment, your child will be transported to a Department, or a contracted, observation and assessment center. Your child will be evaluated to help determine the most appropriate juvenile program. You will be asked to participate in a meeting, by telephone, if necessary, with the juvenile probation officer and Department staff members to discuss the program options for your child. Staff will try to schedule meetings when you are available.

After the evaluation is completed, your child will be placed in a program that will best suit his or her treatment and rehabilitation needs. The program may be located at one of the Department’s correctional facilities—JCC–Lewiston, JCC–Nampa, or JCC–St. Anthony—or at one of the various contract provider programs located across the state. When possible, your child will be placed in a program near your home. Information about religious services, clinical services, educational services, food services, and medical services can be retrieved by clicking on each of these listed items. The Department strongly encourages family involvement with your child. Your letters, phone calls, and visits are a vital part of your child’s treatment success. The program information packet will have details on how you can help. For more information, please contact your child’s Juvenile Services Coordinator. Telephone numbers for the state facilities can be found on each facility’s “Facility Overview” page.  Click here to find District Liaison location and information.

Click here to learn more about the fundamentals of IDJC facility operations.


While in treatment, your child will develop a Relapse Prevention Plan (RPP). Click on the link below to learn more about this valuable tool.


The day your child is committed to state custody, an aftercare plan begins to take shape. An aftercare plan (also known as reintegration) is to prepare your child for a successful return to his or her community. The plan may address education, work, housing and/or other ongoing treatment needs, as determined by the clinical staff within the Department.

If your child is required to register as a sex offender:

  • The Juvenile Services Coordinator (JSC) will complete the “Notification and Registration” form while your child is still at the state facility or other residential (non-community transition) placement. The JSC will submit the “Notification and Registration” form to the Idaho State Police (ISP) prior to your child’s release.
  • During your child’s final staffing, any sex offender registration requirements will be reviewed.
  • Within 2 business days of your child’s release from a state facility or residential treatment, your child must go to the local sheriff’s office to complete the registration process. If you will be moving out of state with your child upon his/her release, you are encouraged to check with ISP or the other state’s registry prior to your child’s release to avoid civil or criminal penalties.

Question: Who do I contact for further information regarding sex offender registration?
Answer: Contact the Idaho State Police at (208) 884-7305, or e-mail at, or your child’s attorney or assigned probation officer

Question: Is there a fee for the registration process?
Answer: Yes. Idaho Code § 18-8307(2) states in part that “…offenders shall pay an annual fee of forty dollars.”

Question: Are there penalties for failing to register?
Answer: Yes. Failure to register timely or to update a change of address may result in additional criminal charges being filed against your child and possibly against the parent or guardian.


To develop productive citizens in active partnership with communities

Agency Records Custodian: Mara Weiss Public Information Request

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