Mission Statement

To develop productive citizens in active partnership with communities.


Balanced & Restorative Justice

We help juveniles become responsible citizens by developing life skills and holding them accountable for restoring their victims and communities while ensuring public safety. 

Effective Partnerships

We acknowledge our vital role in communities and with other state agencies and branches of government. We seek to understand and promote a unified relationship among all parties to prevent juveniles from breaking the law.


We are committed to full-circle communication in our activities.


We recognize that the power of combined efforts exceed what can be accomplished individually. 


We treat juveniles, families, victims and one another with respect, and in so doing, we demonstrate honesty, integrity, trust and ethical behaviors.

Excellence and Quality

We are committed to deliver excellence and quality in every aspect of our work by establishing goals and monitoring outcomes, and holding ourselves accountable. We value new ideas and plans which are evidence-based and results oriented.

Employee Optimization

We value our staff and are dedicated to provide training which will develop leaders and maintain qualified, competent employees. 


We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment where the individual differences among staff, juveniles and families are understood, respected and appreciated.

Effective Stewardship
We believe in promoting responsible government by the prudent management of resources to maximize efficiency and effectiveness.

Legislative Intent

It is the policy of the state of Idaho that the juvenile corrections system will be based on the following principles: accountability, community protection, and competency development. Where a juvenile has been found to be within the purview of the juvenile corrections act, the court shall impose a sentence that will protect the community, hold the juvenile offender accountable for his actions, and assist the juvenile offender in developing skills to become a contributing member of a diverse community. It is the further policy of the state of Idaho that the parents or other legal guardians of the juvenile offender participate in the accomplishment of these goals through participation in counseling and treatment designed to develop positive parenting skills and an understanding of the family’s role in the juvenile offender’s behavior. It is the further intent of the legislature that the parents of the juvenile offender be held accountable, where appropriate, through monetary reimbursement for supervision and confinement of the juvenile offender and restitution to victims of the juvenile offender’s delinquent acts. In enacting this legislation, the legislature finds that the juvenile corrections system should encompass the following aspects: diversion, day treatment, community programs, observation and assessment programs, probation services, secure facilities, aftercare, and assistance to counties for juvenile offenders not committed to the custody of the department of juvenile corrections.

To develop productive citizens in active partnership with communities

Agency Records Custodian: Mara Weiss Public Information Request

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