Project Background
RS31335/S1350 is a product of the recommendations of the Human Trafficking report required by H.B. 341a (2023). This bill called for the creation of standardized training, screening, and assessment tools for Human Trafficking victims. In response, the Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections formed a workgroup consisting of probation and detention representatives from all judicial districts in Idaho. This workgroup partnered with a leading human trafficking expert to create screening tools and trainings designed for the unique needs of Idaho.
Idaho Juvenile Human Trafficking Screening Tools
The purpose of the Idaho Juvenile Trafficking Screening Tool is to assist in the identification of juveniles who may be victims of sex and/or labor trafficking. This tool is broken up into two parts – Observations (Part A) and Questions (Part B)
- Part A Idaho Juvenile Human Trafficking Screening Tool
- Part B Idaho Juvenile Human Trafficking Screening Tool
- Guide for Idaho Juvenile Human Trafficking Screening Tools
Human Trafficking Resources
- Resource List – Idaho Anti-Human Trafficking Coalition – National and Statewide
Idaho Juvenile Human Trafficking Training
Juvenile justice professionals play a central role in identifying vulnerable youth and responding effectively to ensure their well-being. Bethany Gilot, a national human trafficking expert partnered with IDJC to provide an Idaho-specific juvenile labor and sex trafficking training. This two-hour webinar dives into definitions, processes, and new screening tools. Viewers will gain practical skills to recognize the indicators of human trafficking and learn how to appropriately respond.

Community Project Manager