Information for Our County Partners

This page contains information to guide court and county partners regarding submitting some types of documents to the department. If you are not a court or county staff, please visit one of our other informative pages or refer to the Contact Us information below.

The IDJC utilizes the SmartVault document sharing platform for secure submission of commitment documents.  Click on this link to review a short, informative presentation on getting set up with login credentials and using SmartVault. To be set up with this free service call (208) 334-5100 ext. 5451 or send an email to

A youth is committed to IDJC:

When a youth is committed by order of a court, two important steps should be taken timely.

Step 1: The judge’s order (commitment decree) and petitions are submitted (ideally on the day the youth is committed) to the department using SmartVault to initiate the commitment.

Step 2: As soon as possible after step 1, a packet of information (community information packet) is submitted to the department that includes community treatment history, probation and offense history, assessments, parental release of information authorization, and other vital documents. This information is needed to help with evaluating the youth’s treatment needs and to allow the department to provide needed services.  This should be accomplished as soon as practical; but we understand that not all information may be readily available and missing items can be submitted later using SmartVault.

Other documents:

This page also provides information on how to deliver notices of team screenings (e.g., Rule 19, Rule 16) and court hearings or documents that require participation or action by a youth in department custody or by department staff.

We hope this information is helpful and welcome your feedback. Contact us if you don’t find the information you need.

How to submit documents to the department

Complete the Cover Sheet for Commitment to IDJC Custody (DJC-153) form

Log in to SmartVault and upload the files

Complete the Check-Off Sheet for Committed Juveniles (DJC-171) form and gather the documents listed.

Log in to SmartVault and upload the files

If name is known, e-mail the screening notice directly to the department employee that will participate as part of the screening team.

For youth in custody, email hearing notices to the youth’s assigned Juvenile Services Coordinator (JSC).

If you do not know the screening team member or JSC name:

Email documents to

Fax to (208) 334-5120

Call (208) 334-5100 for assistance

Email order to

Fax to (208) 334-5120

Call (208) 334-5100 for assistance

Call (208) 334-5100 or email today to be set up to use the SmartVault portal.

To develop productive citizens in active partnership with communities

Agency Records Custodian: Mara Weiss Public Information Request

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