Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST)

POST website hyperlink

MISSION: To develop skilled law enforcement professionals who are committed to serving and protecting the people of Idaho

VISION: To ensure that Idaho law enforcement professionals model the highest level of integrity and service through excellence in standards and training

CORE VALUES: Customer Service – Integrity – Ethical conduct – Collaboration – Innovation

POST utilizes various training techniques such as internet, classroom instruction, and relevant live scenarios in order to provide the student with the techniques and resources to operate as a well-rounded officer. The POST training is always evolving to stay current on the emerging trends and needs of juveniles.

Interested in POST Training? Start here!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Based on the legislative intent of the Juvenile Corrections Act of 1995, Section 20-504(3) and (15), the Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections shall establish minimum standards for juvenile detention facilities and juvenile probation departments. Additionally, based on Section 19-5109(6) Idaho Code, the Peace Officers Standards and Training Council, upon recommendation of the Juvenile Training Council, may implement certified training for juvenile detention and probation officers.
Juvenile Training Council (Council), established in 1999, became the advisory board for the development and oversight of the juvenile detention and probation training. This Council, made of members from the juvenile justice departments, law enforcement, county commissions, and juvenile corrections, reviews and approves the certified training juvenile detention and probation officers receive at POST Academy.

First, apply and be hired by an Idaho juvenile justice agency in your field of interest. Once hired, your agency will provide you with the application and direction to apply to POST certification.

An officer seeking certification is required to follow the POST Council Administrative rules in IDAPA 11.11.01.


All applicants for POST certification must meet the standards and comply with the requirements of IDAPA 11.11.01 to be eligible to attend a basic training academy and for certification and employment in Idaho in any law enforcement discipline.    (3-20-20)

The complete IDAPA 11.11.01 rules can be found by clicking here.




Matt Heuring

Juvenile Training Coordinator
(208) 884-7326



To develop productive citizens in active partnership with communities

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