Appropriate, immediate family members are encouraged to visit. Maintaining family involvement during a juvenile’s placement at JCC–Lewiston increases the likelihood that the juvenile will successfully reintegrate into the community upon discharge from custody. Please remember to follow the facility dress code. Any questions can be addressed by your son’s Rehabilitation Specialist (Group Leader).
Visits are allowed from immediate family (parents/guardians, grandparents, siblings 18 and over, aunts, and uncles). Immediate family under the age of 18 cannot visit unless special permission is granted by your treatment team for therapeutic reasons, and with approval from the Superintendent. Only those persons on the approved list will be allowed to visit.
You will have the chance to visit with them alone, but the visit will take place in the same room with other juveniles and/or staff. Staff have the right to monitor and be aware of all visits. Staff will be aware of all movements at all times. Visitors are not to leave the facility until they have finished their visit. If visitors leave the facility, they will not be permitted back inside the building for that day unless approved by staff.
Additional or special visits outside regular visiting hours are only granted in special circumstances with prior approval and communication with your Rehabilitation Specialist and treatment team. An additional visit may be used as a perk on an advanced program level. If you are unable to travel to the facility for visits, video conferencing is available by coordinating with the Rehabilitation Specialist and Juvenile Services Coordinator at district offices or state facilities.
- Visitation occurs the first and third Sunday of the month from 9:00am-11:45am.
- Persons under 18 may be approved by the Superintendent when there is a significant benefit or unusual reason making it prudent. Visitors under the age of 18 are not permitted on the premises without adult supervision.
- Dogs/pets are not allowed in the building and must be accommodated at the discretion of the owner. Certified service dogs are exempt.
- Visitors will be asked for identification. JCC–Lewiston staff may deny a visit for reasons related to safety and security, or may terminate a visit for inappropriate behavior by visitors, juveniles, or suspicion of such.
- All visitors must sign in at the front desk when entering the facility. All visitors will be asked to walk through a metal detector, as well as being wanded through a handheld metal detector device. Visitors will be asked if they have weapons, drugs, or other items considered to be contraband.
- Visitors will be given a visitor badge to be displayed at all times during the visit. All visitors must sign out upon leaving.
- Visitors may not bring anything with them unless prior approval is obtained. Family may bring in appropriate photos, clothing approved for level perks, (“appropriate” meaning no gang-related or drug and alcohol representation; no violent, pornographic, or racially insensitive material. Any item that is brought to you by a juvenile must be left with staff).
- Visitors must stay in the designated visiting area. Visits will take place in a room with other juveniles and/or staff.
- No physical contact will be permitted except a brief hug and peck on the cheek after the beginning and at the end.
- Hands must remain on top of the table.
- Keys, purses, wallets, and money must be placed in the lockers provided or secured in your vehicle.
- Appropriate and conservative clothing (no tube tops, tank tops [men or women] low cut tops, “short” shorts or skirts, t-shirts with vulgar pictures or writing that advertises or make reference to alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and/ or any other inappropriate subject) must be worn. Visitors will be asked to leave if their dress is considered inappropriate.
- Visitors may not wear or take any coats, jackets, or hats into visitation.
- Visitors may not bring food, candy, drinks, or any other items for the juveniles. No items may be passed from visitor to juvenile.
- Visitors will not be verbally abusive to other juveniles, their own child, or staff members.
- · If any visitors are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they will be asked to leave.
- Visitors will not dispense any medication for any reason.
- If there is acting-out behavior by juveniles, the visitors may be asked to leave the visiting area, possibly for the remainder of the visit.
- A given visit and future visits may be restricted for any behaviors or suspicion of such that violates facility policy or causes staff concerns for anyone’s physical, mental, or emotional safety.
- In addition, the same may occur if contraband is found in a visitor’s possession within the facility, in the juvenile’s possession, or on the premises. Contraband in the facility may include:
- Money
- Prescription drugs, controlled substances, alcohol and drug paraphernalia
- Firearms, explosive devices, knives, and other weapons
- Razors, razor blades, scissors, and metal nail files
- Lighter fluid and other flammable materials
- All tobacco products
- Tools of any kind
- Bars, pipes, sticks, cords, ropes, wire, chain, or heavy belt buckles
- Aerosol spray cans of any kind
- Locks and keys
- Cameras
- Pornographic or sexually explicit materials
- Silverware or other kitchen utensils
- Any prepackaged materials sent through the mail that has been opened and re-sealed
- Any stolen property or materials not rightfully belonging to a juvenile
- Gum
- Jewelry
- Cell phones or pagers
- Any material posing threat to the institution’s security, order, treatment process, or to the health of staff or juveniles