ABA: American Bar Association
ACA: American Correctional Association
ACLU: American Civil Liberties Union
AIC: Association of Idaho Cities
BARJ: Balanced and Restorative Justice
BIA: Bureau of Indian Affairs
BJA: Bureau of Justice Assistance
BJS: Bureau of Justice Statistics
CAFAS: Child Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale
CDF: Children’s Defense Fund
CJCA: Council of Juvenile Corrections Administrators
CJJ: Coalition for Juvenile Justice
CMH: Children’s Mental Health
CMHSA: Children’s Mental Health Services Act
CMS: Case Management Systems
CPR: Child Protection Report
CRB: Custody Review Board
CRC: Crisis Residential Center
CRIPA: Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons
DAG: Deputy Attorney General
DEA: Drug Enforcement Agency
DHW: Department of Health and Welfare
DL: District Liaison
DOJ: Department of Justice
DP: Delinquency Prevention
DSO: Deinstitutionalization of Status Offenders
EPSPDT: Early and Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment
EUDL: Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws
FFT: Functional Family Therapy
GAIN: Global Appraisal of Individual Needs
HIPAA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
IAC: Idaho Association of Counties
IACJJA: Idaho Association of Counties, Juvenile Justice Administrators
IBI: Intensive Behavioral Interventions
ICLA: Initial Custody Level Assessment
IDEA: Individuals with Disabilities Act
IDJC: Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections
IEP: Individual Education Plan
IJJA: Idaho Juvenile Justice Association
IJOS: Idaho Juvenile Offender System
ILLECP: Innovative Local Law Enforcement Community Policing Programs
ISTARS: Idaho Statewide Trial Court Automated Records System
JABG: Juvenile Accountability Block Grant
JCA: Juvenile Corrections Act
JCC: Juvenile Corrections Center
JCEC: Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition
JD: Juvenile Delinquent
JJ: Juvenile Justice
JJAG or JAG: Juvenile Justice Advisory Group
JJDPA: Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act
JJ Specialist: State designated juvenile justice specialist, assigned to JJDPA compliance efforts
JPO: Juvenile Probation Officer
JSC: Juvenile Services Coordinator
JSIA: Justice System Improvement Act
LRE: Law Related Education
MOA: Memorandum of Agreement
NACO: National Association of Counties
NCLB: No Child Left Behind
NIC: National Institute of Corrections
NIJ: National Institute of Justice
OJJDP: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
OMB: Office of Management and Budget
PA/R: Progress Assessment/Reassessment
PbS: Performance-based Standards
PPC: Positive Peer Culture
PSR: Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services
RAP: Reintegration and Aftercare Plan
RMHA: Regional Mental Health Authority
RS: Reintegration Specialist
RSAT: Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
SAG: State Advisory Group
SDE: State Department of Education
SED: Serious Emotional Disturbance
SO: Status Offender or Sex Offender
SRO: School Resource Officer
TA: Technical Assistance
UCR: Uniform Crime Report
YLS/CMI: Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory